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“Acceptance is the key… Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It !”- Webseries 7

How would it be the first step of acceptance for those people who are having an emotionally unstable personality? Let’s find-out for us to be enlightened so that we can help our OFW Families who are suffering from EUPD.

Understanding people with emotionally unstable personality are often labeled as having a bad behavior, manipulative, attention seeker and distressful personality. This is because they are driven by emotions inside them that they don’t know they have this disorder that triggers them anytime.

Steps of one’s diagnosing and coping mechanism for people who have EUPD:

1. Accept and understand that you have EUPD, learn and research about this personality disorder.
2. Diagnose yourself, if you experience at least five (5) of below manifestations that you feel last for hours and have affective your life so much:

a. Feel very worried for people abandoning you.
b. Very intense emotions that last for hours and day then sudden change from feeling happy to sadness.
c. Have no strong sense of oneself but change abruptly depending on people you are attached with.
d. Hard to keep and make stable relationship.
e. Always have emptiness inside
f. Impulsive in action or decision manifests in driving recklessly, drug addictions and binge eating.
g. Suicidal tendency or harming oneself.
h. Intense hatred that is difficult to control
i. Stressful with sometimes paranoia and dissociation.

3. Validate your own diagnosis with medical help to recommend proper remedy.
4. Continues process of acceptance by knowing oneself, join a support group with other EUPD family.
5. Learn to voice-out your feelings in calm manner until it becomes a habit through time then don’t forget your physical health and exercise.

Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, the Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder can be healed and controlled. But the person itself should realize that he/she is responsible to help first him/ herself so that support will come easily. The key step toward a successful relationship is to have continued open communication without criticism or blame to one another in a calm manner then avoid gadgets and television to have an open talk in a family. Join and create a family support group with other EUPD who understand this kind of situation.

Continuation on Full Webseries Episode tomorrow!

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Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.