Health & Safety

“Why you can’t admit…Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It !”- Webseries 2

As to start, I want you to answer simple questions down below to give you the idea about our topic. The questions are not the standard format of actual questionnaires regarding emotionally unstable personality disorder or EUPD, but it will give you a better picture once you or one of your family encounters the dilemma on EUPD. It will help you recognize and understand yourself that you can rectify straight away or will give you a signal to call for medical help or counselling.

Please answer the below questions by your heart if below eight (8) instances suited your personality.

  1. Is your mood fluctuating or changing frequently?
  2. Are you too needy that you think your partner is your savior or too much clingy on your relationship?
  3. You can’t control your emotions on any given time and occasions that you expressed extreme hatred or happiness?
  4. Do you play as a victim on any given circumstances, blaming others to the fault that you have done and being an attention seeker?
  5. Are you prone to lying, intentionally creating drama and simply neglecting the question/s of your partner to divert his/her attention on another situation?
  6. Do you have extreme habits or manic behavior where you tend to overdo certain activity/ies at home that you get your satisfaction, security and relaxation?
  7. Having an erratic or unresolved issue repeatedly with partner that causes fight or having a hard time keeping a stable or peaceful relationship?
  8. Your face looks sad and your feeling seems heavy when you are staying longer inside the house that you end-up socializing with your friends and colleagues to be the center of their attention and to escape the atmosphere of the house, do you remember sad memory from your childhood that you feel depressed when staying longer inside the house?

There is no one will help you but yourself. Always think that the cure to the problem is the admittance before can be rectified.

Continuation on Webseries 3 tomorrow!

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @, Jon & Jeri at YouTube/Jericho’s Place Channel, FREE selling, posting of products & services @ We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.