Talking About Emotionally Unstable Personality (Full Webseries)

Talking About Emotionally Unstable Personality (Full Webseries)

Dear Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, We have been discussing about Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) for the last seven (7) days. We want to understand how this disorder affect our fabric of society and most especially the OFW families. The EUPD seems little issue but if it becomes erratic and repetitive has the worst outcome. It is like a termite that little by little scavenging the mere foundation of the house then at the end, there is nothing to save anymore. As common knowledge, we usually associate EUPD as individual differences over the marital issues of husband and wife but it is more than the individual differences. In domestic affairs, it is the unending, repeated and heightened argument over issues of finances and individual differences. If no one understand the issue of EUPD then the agony will prolong causes domestic violence affecting your individual life and lives of your children that will be passed through-out your children's generation. I urge you to read the full stories and articles for you to have the idea of the issue of EUPD. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Stories of Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8)

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“Acceptance is the key… Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It !”- Webseries 7

“Acceptance is the key… Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It !”- Webseries 7

How would it be the first step of acceptance for those people who are having an emotionally unstable personality? Let’s find-out for us to be enlightened so that we can help our OFW Families who are suffering from EUPD. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Understanding people with emotionally unstable personality are often labeled as having a bad behavior, manipulative, attention seeker and distressful personality. This is because they are driven by emotions inside them that they don’t know they have this disorder that triggers them anytime. Steps of one’s diagnosing and coping mechanism for people who have EUPD: 1. Accept and understand that you have EUPD, learn and research about this personality disorder. 2. Diagnose yourself, if you experience at least five (5) of below manifestations that you feel last for hours and have affective your life so much: a. Feel very worried for people abandoning you. b. Very intense emotions that last for hours and day then sudden change from feeling happy to sadness. c. Have no strong sense of oneself but change abruptly depending on people you are attached with. d. Hard to keep and make stable relationship. e. Always have em

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“The voice of Malala on maltreatment…a series on Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It?”- Webseries 6

“The voice of Malala on maltreatment…a series on Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It?”- Webseries 6

We already explained that maltreatment happened with the hands of caregivers, parents and relatives. Now we want to know the classification of maltreatment to further explain the abuses happening inside the house or the family. This is to connect with EUPD so that we are aware of the inclination or effect of the disorder between wife and the husband who are now the new parents. We will look on to MSD Manual Professional Version to provide us the classification of maltreatment: 1. Physical abuse involves inflicting physical harm or engaging in actions that create a high risk of harm with forms of shaking, dropping, striking, biting, and burning (eg, by scalding or touching with cigarettes). Abuse is the most common cause of serious head injury in infants. In toddlers, abdominal injury is also common. 2. Sexual abuse is any action with a child that is done for the sexual gratification of an adult or significantly older child constitutes sexual abuse, forms sexual abuse include intercourse, which is oral, anal, or vaginal penetration; molestation, which is genital contact without intercourse; and forms that do not involve physical contact by the perpetrator, including exposure of the

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“I want to know… Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It!”- Webseries 5

“I want to know… Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It!”- Webseries 5

I will provide the easiest explanation about the topic so that our readers can understand very well the issue of EUPD. According to Wikipedia, emotionally unstable personality (EUPD) is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by the following: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Unstable relationships with other people Unstable sense of self and unstable emotions. There is often dangerous behavior and self-harm. People may also struggle with a feeling of emptiness Fear of abandonment. Symptoms may be brought on by seemingly normal events. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood and occurs across a variety of situations. We have notice that the condition starts from childhood who experienced maltreatment and sexual abuse. Let us understand the issue of maltreatment and sexual abuse so that we have a forehand information on why it develops to EUPD. As per study, there is a strong correlation between child abuse, especially child sexual abuse and development of EUPD. Many individuals experienced the history of abuse and neglect as young children but still not confirmed. Patients with EUPD have been found to be significantly more likely t

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