Fit Body on Sale!

Fit Body on Sale!

I always say a joke that I am 85 years old, but my office mate will say you are only 25 years old. I am laughing because I am older of what they think. Sometimes you realize that it is not always the money to make you happy but the quality you set into your life that makes a difference. I am just ordinary person with simple dreams and aspiration, but I am here ready to provide testament on the journey of life. Here are the tips that I can share coming from Healthy Lifestyle that shape my life: Daily exercise for 30 minutes. Take a 30-minute walk with a smile every day Sleep 8 hours Eat food on smaller portion to protect your health Daily drink 8 glasses of water Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants Live with 3 E’s Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy Make time for prayer and reflection Play more games, practice yoga, avoid salt and sugar, and don’t drink soda Read more books Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day Don’t compare your life to other. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Time heals everything Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does. Don’t waste your precious energy in gossip Envy is a

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