Iftar Delights, Guide for Healthy Living

Iftar Delights, Guide for Healthy Living

This Ramadan, most of our Muslim brothers and sisters are taking fasting. Selecting essential foods is necessary and below is the My Plate Guide. “My Plate” is a designed for healthy eating which consists of basic Five Food Groups such as Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Protein. Before you eat, think first what goes on your plate. You should eat the right number of calories, limit your sugar and salt intakes, use small amounts of fat as they may contain high calories and drink water instead of sugar drinks or soda. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetable, make half your whole grains. For proteins, go for lean choices such as grill, roast or boil instead of frying. Ensure you drink your dairy by using low fat products or fat free. Grains are foods made from rice, potato, oats, wheat and barley such as pasta, corn, cereals, bread and legumes. These food group are important sources of energy for the body including dietary fiber, Vitamin B and minerals. How to increase whole grain foods; Use whole grain flour or oatmeal for making cookies and other baked products Choose whole wheat bread and brown rice instead of white r

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