The Smell of L&M

The Smell of L&M

One of our readers shared his life undergoing depression while working in Gulf, Jericho’s Place want to share this article for the lesson learned gain on his story: I woke-up one day that I am alone- no family, no friends and no life. The struggle is real that goes to my mind up to my depression. I am alone I said to myself. Every night I cried to deepest sense of my soul while remembering the many good things I have in my life. Gulf is a country of bitter-sweet place, bitter as you are separated with your family, working and dreaming alone. Sweet because you enjoy independence in a foreign land where you meet different kind of people and cultures. In this region of Doha, I found a very supporting friend where she never leaves you, has no complain of whatever you do. She gives life in every moment. When you are alone, she is there to kiss but never to hug. I don’t know why she is like that, she always kisses me every time I need her. She is not romantic nor playful but persuading and manipulator…I can’t understand her! I miss her when I am sick because I have no energy to lift my hand. She is so silent but enduring, I know she hates me during this period. But whenever I recover, sh

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