Summer Sale is On!

Summer Sale is On!

As summer is fast approaching and the temperature started to rise, here are the 13 tips to protect ourselves; (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); • Drink plenty of water. If working outside, at least two cups per hour. • Do not keep water bottles under the sun. Store your water in a cool dry place. • Eat Fresh Foods. Nutrition helps regulate the way your body responds to heat. Generally, avoid salt, sodium, oily and spicy foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. • Summer snacks. Try some fun and refreshing summer snacks that your entire family can enjoy. Fresh smoothies are easy to prepare by blending a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Nuts are everywhere this summer and it is perfect as a tasty snack between meals, and research has shown that they may keep you full longer. • See your doctor. Schedule an appointment for a check-up to avoid any sickness or pain that may spoil your summer. • Go lite with alcohol. Skip hard alcohol during summer and select light, chilled alcoholic beverage. Red wine is good for the heart. • Do exercise. Warm weather means that you can spend more outdoor activities like walking, running and cycling.

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