The “WASTA” Syndrome

The “WASTA” Syndrome

One of our readers from Gulf shared her experienced about “WASTA”. The views and opinions expressed in the following article does not necessarily reflect the policies and position of Jericho’s Place. The story was shared for the lesson learned gain on her story. Please share your comments and feedback about the below article: I don’t want to write something about “wasta” because I don’t know really the meaning or if it has really a significance entity attached to the word. But I become curious as I always hear the word “wasta”. What is really the meaning of “wasta”? I google the word “wasta” if it really exists then I found the word from Wikipedia, it is an Arabic word that loosely translate to nepotism, clout or ‘who you know’. It refers to using one’s connections and/or influence to get things done, including government transactions such as the quick renewal of a passport, waiving of traffic fines, and getting hired for or promoted in a job. I first encountered the word “wasta” when one of our superintendents suddenly disappeared on site without any permission, he disappeared for one day…on second day…then on third day until the report came to our attention. I called the person t

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