North AmericaTravelUnited States of America

More DNA Samples are Collected at Gum Wall as Tourists rush to Pike Place Market !

A chewing gum is popularly known for kids as “bubble gum”, a softy gummy meant to be chewed but not to be swallowed. Kids love the different taste and fruity flavors of bubble gum. For adults, it is fresh taking to avoid bad breath. You can see more celebrities chewed gum whenever they are in public engagement, find-out why?

Chewing gum is made-up of gum-based substance from physical-chemical properties of polymer. It is practically an elastic-plastic due to presence of plasticizer, and resin to make it sticky and chewable. With added sweeteners, colors and flavors to make it more addicted to chew and taste. It is present on different shapes and sizes. Most chewing gums nowadays use no sugar additives to make it healthier for commercial purpose.

The practice of chewing gum is an old way tradition dated back from Neolithic period where it is called mastication. The thinking at that time is instinctive in nature, it is a need to masticate or chew until it is sought for nutritional value upon a period. It is believed that it has antiseptic and oral health benefits.

 (Photo from Left: Starbucks and Gum Wall at Pike Place Market, Seattle)

When I visited Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle, you obviously want to see the gum wall. You will not notice the wall until you ask the locals there who will guide you with the direction up to the Post Alley under the Pike Place Market. Before you reach the area, you will smell the different flavors of gum that gives you the hint that you are on the right place. Lots of DNA can be captured on the gum pasted on the Market Theater Gum Wall including mine. This wall becomes a novelty landmark where everyone just sticks their gums to create the mark.

But not everyone welcomes the idea of chewing gum. Singapore restrain chewing gum in public that have penalty of SGD 100,000.00 or imprisonment of 2 years, they allow only those with medicinal value. Officials said that they want to maintain cleanliness of their public spaces where prohibiting gum is one of the clean-up initiatives. Another situation also where chewing gum is cautioned for consumption, mothers who have young children are warned not to allow their kiddos swallowed any gum to avoid choking and any intestinal medical situations in the future.

Research said that masticating or chewing gum improves cognitive domain functions of the brain: working memory, episodic memory and speed of perception as explained by Wikipedia. It stimulates saliva that wash away bacteria that leaves freshness in the mouth. There is no related evidence to prove but some people say that chewing gum prevent discomfort. This might be the reason with celebrities for chewing gum on their public engagement beside having fresh breath.

It is nice to masticate and see the bubbling gum popping around but restrain is required for young kiddos and for adults to be responsible on your waste disposal!

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Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.