Thanos is a transformed real human being!

Thanos is a transformed real human being!

Witness now his life as ordinary person, he is living with us after the long century of battle. He chose to live with our generation after a quantum realm process. If it happened you see him along the street, make a wave as he is wonderful, generous and kind transformed human being. Enjoy the photo of the Real Living Thanos! As with the latest franchise of Endgame Avengers, Thanos is a fictional villain character created and published by Marvel Comics. He believes that by using the power of Infinity Stones he can save the universe by wiping out half of the total population. In Avengers Infinity War, he acquired all 6 infinity stones. At the end of the movie, Thanos decimate half of the universe with a single snap of his fingers and turn into dust. In Avengers Endgame, Thanos chose to have a simple life. However, he was attacked by the remaining Avengers on his farm. He confessed that he destroyed the Infinity Stones to avoid further temptation and beheaded by Thor. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Five years later, Antman brought the idea of quantum realm time travel to reverse Thanos' snap and hoping to bring back to life those who were killed. Tony desig

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